What a way to kick off Year 6's Hola Mexico project! They've enjoyed a Mexican-themed Mocktail Party where the drinks served were designed, tested and rated by the children themselves, and performed El Jarabe Tapatío (the Mexican hat dance!) fantastically!

As well as a lot of fun, there's a lot of learning too! In designing their cocktails, the children have used their design skills, they've had to demonstrate that they can make modifications based evaluations, measured success against design criteria as well as write a set of instructions! The Mexican Hat Dance mean the children had to show how they could vary the dynamics of their movement and actions in time to music - phew! What a great start to a topic!

And while they were at it, you can see from the samples of the children's work above that they have really used their 'Thinking Moves' to reflect on how they have been thinking and learning - that's some magic metacognition, Year 6! Well done!