Here is our most recent report, which details the outcomes of our External Validation.

This validation looked at all aspects of the school over a two day period, but selected three areas for particular scrutiny; Curriculum, Achievement against Prior Attainment (pupil progress), and Management.

Each of those three areas was rated as 'Very Effective'.

In addition, the report notes:

  • Behaviour at the school is very good
  • The school has a profound impact on the behaviour and attitudes of its pupils
  • Pupil engagement in and enjoyment of their learning is high
  • There is a strong sense of inclusion
  • Pupils talk of school in positive terms and want to come to school
  • Leadership enthuses and inspires colleagues and supports their professional development
  • The school has a strong sense of direction
  • The school is held in high regard by its stakeholders and makes a positive contribution to the community and the lives of families
