Our new School Council are wasting no time in getting down to business! They've already shown that they have got the 'get up and go' spirit to really make a difference to our school, as you can see by the way in which they decided on, planned and delivered an excellent book sale! The worked so hard to make sure the event was a big success, planning and promoting the sale, organising and sorting the drop off points and designing the sale itself - even taking the time to plan and deliver a wonderful assembly to our infant children, to make sure they could get involved with all the fun - which you can see in the photo!

And all their hard work really paid off - the book sale raised an amazing £550! Enormous thanks to all of you who came along to support this first School Council event, and keep your eyes peeled for more exciting news soon! Well done to the team, and to Miss Corlett for her hard work and help too!